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How to Maintain a Healthy Vagina & Vulva

Half the world’s population has a vagina, but many people don’t know much about its anatomical structure or even some of its functionalities. Sometimes, people aren’t even sure how or what to do to keep their vagina healthy and safe from infection risks. There are many things that go into having and maintaining a healthy vagina. Read on to learn all you need to know about how to have a healthy vagina and vulva.

What does a healthy vagina look like? 

Let’s get familiar with the anatomy of the vulva and vagina. When you have an opportunity, get a handheld mirror and do a self-exam to learn exactly how you are built so you know what is your normal.

The vulva is all the external genital parts, which are the inner and outer labia, clitoris, and urethra. The labia are the fleshy lips that surround the vaginal opening. The inner labia come together and meet to cover the clitoris. Just under the clitoris is the urethra, which is where urine comes out. The vaginal opening is much larger and located just below the urethra.

The vagina is the internal genitalia, which include the vaginal canal and cervix, separating the vagina from the uterus. The vaginal canal is closed off by the cervix so that the uterus stays protected from most outside contaminants.

A healthy vulva should have the inner, fleshy tissue color of the labia much like the color of your lips on your face. The tissue should be moist and free of:

  • Lacerations
  • Lumps
  • Bumps
  • Sores
  • Rashes

You may experience normal vaginal discharge which is clear to whitish in color and ranges from thin to thick depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle. Hormones signal the vagina to excrete cervical mucus, and the vulva is packed with sweat glands. This is how the female genitals perform their own flushing out of biological waste and bacteria.

Freshen up your hygiene routine. Shop foam wash!

What does a healthy vagina smell like?

Many people question, “Is vaginal odor normal?” Because the vulva and vagina are located in a warm, dark, moist area of the body that is generally covered by clothing all day and produces sweat and discharge, it is normal for this area to have a mild odor. Generally, vaginal odor is mild enough that it is mostly unnoticeable. But certain triggers can cause the odor to be stronger at times, such as heavy sweating, wearing tight nonbreathable clothing, or staying in a wet swimsuit for long periods of time.

The vulva can be washed, and it is recommended to have a daily feminine hygiene routine to clean this area. The best way to clean your vulva is with a pH-balanced wash. You can use a soft washcloth (use a clean cloth each time) or just your hands to gently wash the area with the pH-balanced cleanser. Remember to wash the vulva only and do not get anything inside the vagina. Using heavily scented or antibacterial soaps are not recommended because they can disrupt the microbiome and put you at risk for vaginal infections or irritation. 

pH-D Feminine Health offers a line of Boric Acid Foam Washes that are pH-balanced to the same pH as the vulva that can be used daily while bathing. Showers are preferential over baths for vaginal health because bathwater can expose the vulvar and vaginal tissue to soaps and oils. If you opt for a bath, rinse the vulvar area thoroughly with fresh, warm water afterward. 

What is healthy vaginal discharge?

As previously mentioned, the vagina regularly excretes cervical mucus discharge that is usually white or clear in color depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle. During the time of your cycle when you are not bleeding, the normal vaginal discharge is usually thick and white before ovulation. When ovulation happens, the cervical mucus thins out and gets clearer in color and can be stretchy or mucousy like egg whites. After ovulation, the discharge becomes white in color again and sometimes thinner and more sticky in consistency than it was before ovulation.  

Then the menstrual bleed, or period, occurs, and as that nears the end, the discharge may become light brown in color before it turns back to the whitish color. At no time during the cycle should healthy vaginal discharge have a foul or fishy odor or be any color other than white, clear, or light brown as the period ends. See a healthcare provider and seek medical advice if you experience any abnormal discharge that is greenish or yellowish in color or experience bleeding outside of the expected dates of your period.

What is a healthy vaginal pH?

pH is the measure of how acidic or alkaline something is and it is measured on a scale of 0-14. Acidic measurements are 0-6 on the pH scale, neutral is 7, and alkaline measurements are 8-14.

The vagina is naturally acidic, with an approximate pH level of 4.5. Many of the good bacteria in the microbiome are Lactobacilli, which contribute to the acidic environment of the vagina by producing lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide.

Estrogen also helps maintain an acidic pH level in the vagina. As estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, so does the microbiome and the vaginal pH balance.

What are the signs of an unhealthy vagina?

If you notice a smell that is not like your normal scent, or it becomes particularly strong and unpleasant or has a “fishy” smell, you should consult with a healthcare provider. Strong, unpleasant vaginal odor can be a sign of vaginal infection, including:

  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Yeast infection
  • Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea
  • Vaginitis
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease

Other signs of a disruption in the vaginal microbiome that can negatively impact vaginal health are:

  • Vaginal Itching
  • Burning
  • Pain
  • Abnormal Vaginal discharge that is green or yellow in color and has a foul odor
  • Pain

A healthcare provider should be seen if a mild problem persists for long periods of time, symptoms worsen, or if you experience fever or pain.

How to maintain good vaginal health

pH-D Feminine Health is the #1 Doctor recommended brand of boric acid suppositories and also offers several other holistic products for vaginal health and hygiene that are available on the market at over 50,000 retailers in the USA and Canada. These products can be used with other feminine hygiene and menstruation hygiene products.

Odor is one of the most common feminine care concerns women bring to their healthcare providers, and pH-D’s goal is to normalize the conversation about vaginal odor because many women feel shame about it. A holistic solution for this problem is boric acid products, which are safe as well as doctor recommended.

So, what is boric acid? For those unfamiliar, boric acid is a natural compound that is found in seawater and has been used for over 100 years by physicians for neutralizing odor. In its purest form, boric acid is a white powder that is both colorless and odorless. Boric acid is a common and safe ingredient. It is used in a variety of cosmetic products as well as feminine care products to help control vaginal odor.

Boric acid has many uses and is a weak acid that is water soluble. It is a very common, accessible product with many uses because it is a natural compound found in seawater.

If you want to know how to keep your vaginal healthy, pH-D Feminine Health offers several holistic products for vaginal health and odor control, including our sensitive feminine wash. pH-D has a selection of pH-balanced boric acid products, including foam washes that can be used in the shower, body sprays, and body wipes. All these products are safe for sensitive skin and support your most intimate areas and overall vaginal health.

One of pH-D’s most popular products on the market is the #1 Doctor recommended Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories. These suppositories are small capsules of a dissolvable bovine gelatin containing the recommended 600 mg of boric acid to be inserted into the vagina as a holistic solution for vaginal odor and overall vaginal wellness. Use the suppositories until you are odor free. If you are prone to vaginal odor, you can insert 2-4 suppositories per week. It is safe to use boric acid suppositories on a regular basis for vaginal odor.

Certain cleansing methods, such as using heavily scented soap mask odors instead of neutralizing them, which may alter the microbiome. Boric acid suppositories contain one simple ingredient: boric acid, which is proven to neutralize odors instead of just mask them. Different feminine products containing boric acid have different uses, but all involve assisting in controlling vaginal odor. For example, pH-D Boric Acid Moisturizing Suppositories, along with hyaluronic acid vaginal gel, include Vitamin E and coconut oil for the added benefit of moisture and feeling comfortable. They are most commonly used by women who may be experiencing vaginal dryness or going through menopause.

We also have a product line of holistic oral supplements to support your vaginal health and your overall health, too.

  • Our Women’s Health Probiotic supplement is a holistic product to support your digestive, urinary tract health, and vaginal microbiome. The addition of cranberry fruit extract has acidic properties that are proven to help promote vaginal health.
  • Our oral supplement for menstrual support promotes the reduction of menstrual discomfort, irritability, and bloating or swelling. These capsules contain Alpha-GEE®, which is proven to reduce inflammation.*
  • Our Holistic Menopause Support supplement promotes the reduction of hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, night sweats and brain fog. These capsules contain CON-CRĒT® creatine, which assists with cellular energy to support optimal brain health.

*Activity induced